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So Why Innov8? Let’s break it down.

Innovate – means to make changes in something established, by introducing new methods, ideas, or products. The number 8 represents new beginnings.

I wanted to flip the views on training and nutrition.  I did not want people to think there is only ONE way to train and they MUST eat less and restrict themselves to certain foods to lose weight.  I wanted to deliver concepts and strategies to people in a more fun and creative way. I wanted to change their perception and views to challenge them to look at things in a different light. I developed a process that will teach them how to live a healthier and happier life that will last them a lifetime.

Healthy Food

How We Started

Innov8 Fitness started out as an idea and system to bridge the gap between CrossFit, traditional lifting techniques, and functional strength & conditioning. 

It evolved into a new way of life. We started focusing on the Other 23 hours of the day, not just the 1 hour we spend in the gym.   We also realized how important nutrition or rather your relationship with nutrition was to the process. We started making that more of a priority and saw amazing results. (Ever hear you can’t out-train a bad diet) We realized how many people out there needed help with improving their relationship/view of food and how to build a proper mindset around that. There are four pillars that are our main focus; these pillars are Food, Sleep, Movement, and Mindset. When working with us we will utilize biofeedback, work on mindset, your relationship with food, how we recover, and what is the “you” that you want to be. to achieve your goals.

Why Innov8?
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Get Fit - Move Well - Look Good

Our Approach

When it comes to being healthy it’s not as simple as eat more/less, train harder, or following the latest fad.  You need to prioritize and strategize how to make you the best version of yourself.  It’s not only about the Hour we spend in the gym, but also about the Other 23hrs. (O23) of the day as well. Since every aspect of our health and wellbeing is connected why would we think that when addressing our goals, we would just look at one aspect (ex: Training – meanwhile your sleep is garbage) Did you know that feeling sluggish, agitated easily, gut distress, not sleeping, and lack of progress in the gym are all signs that something might be off?


We need to be aware and utilize BIOFEEDBACK in addressing our overall health and wellness.  This can be towards Looking Good, Feeling Better, Reducing Stress, Gaining Muscle, or Losing Fat. We Focus on Four Main Pillars, Food, Movement, Sleep, & Mindset which further expand into Energy, Hunger, Digestion, Stress, Exercise, and Non-Exercise Activity, just to name a few. We need to address each area listed to make sure we are functioning at an optimal level.


When it comes to training, we will make sure we can work on any issues you might currently have and work on improving them. (Ex: knee pain, hip, shoulder issues, etc.) We incorporate prehab/rehab style movements based on your individual needs as well as make the workouts efficient and fun. Your training protocols will always be based on your previous exercise experience, health history, injury history, goals, preferences, and equipment access, that’s whether you have full gym access or work out at home, we got you covered.


Your training block will be designed to suit your goals, needs, preferences, and schedule. We will utilize progressive overload as well as some fun Functional Strength Training tools such as EMOMs, AMRAPs, and MetCons all designed specifically to you and your needs. (ha-ha, don’t worry we will teach you what those terms mean)

We prioritize on Getting you Fit (physically and mentally), Make sure you are Moving Well (what good is it if you look good but can't sit down in a chair or bend over to pick something up), which will lead to Looking Good (happy with oneself, body fat reduction, and/or muscle gain). That is where our philosophy of "Get Fit - Move Well - Look Good" comes from. 


Coaches with Experience

We are a team of coaches from all walks of life - foodies, athletes, and go-getters who thrive off helping people. Our goal is educating our clients on all thing’s fitness & nutrition. The outcome we want for our clients is that each and every one will have both the knowledge and confidence needed to continually improve on their personal health & fitness journey. Let us help you learn how to lift, eat, develop better habits, and live a balanced and healthy life.

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Matthew Eschrich

Owner/Head Coach Innov8 Fitness

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John McGuinness

Nutrition & Strength Coach


Amanda Duchaussoy

Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach


Our Credentials

Functional Nutrition & Metabolism Specialist
Functional Nutrition Specialization
PN1 Coaching Certified
Behavioral Change Specialist
B.S. in Exercise Science
Certified Strength & Conditioning Coach
CrossFit Certified Trainer
Certified Personal Trainer
KBC Level 1 Instructor
OPEX Programming Specialist
Air Bike Programming Specialist
Weight Room Safety Certified
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Innov8 Fitness is more than just a training and lifestyle & nutrition program, it’s a methodology to transforming your overall health and wellness. Let us help you learn how to lift, eat, develop better habits, and live a balanced and healthy life.

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