CBD is a compound that can be extracted from the cannabis plant. Yes, this is the same plant marijuana comes from, but CBD is not the same as recreational pot or medical marijuana. CBD can be derived from either marijuana or hemp, a related plant that has almost no THC.
CBD products—including oils, oral tinctures, lotions, capsules, gum, and inhalants—typically contain only trace amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the compound that makes pot psychoactive.
This means it can't make you high, isn't addictive, and is legal in all 50 states. CBD oil is essentially a dietary supplement that promotes overall health and wellness. It is known to assist the body in creating more of its own cannabinoids which in turn aid the body in operating properly.
CBD Dosing:
There is no recommended daily allowance of CBD but also no known overdose level. There are people out there taking over 1000 mg a day with no malicious side effects. People are using CBD for multiple reasons.
As a rule of thumb 7.5 mg to 30 mg is a good starting point if you are looking for wellness benefits.
Wellness Benefits include:
improved sleep
relief from arthritis and chronic pain
reduced inflammation
mental clarity
reduced anxiety
If you are truly suffering from a sleep disorder 40 -160 mg are often used. Just to show different ranges of dosages, epilepsy and schizophrenia treatment can range from 200 -1,200 mg/day. Body weight, cannabinoid sensitivity, and desired results should all be considered. The key though is to experiment.
We need to PRIME our system. Taking the same dose of CBD around the same time for 7-10 days will prime your endocannabinoid system. (Our bodies have an endocannabinoid system!) For more on the endocannabinoid system click here. From here we can adjust dosage as needed. Always better to start low and increase slowly.
Bear in mind that the correct dose of CBD varies significantly from an individual to another. When trying to determine the correct amount of CBD dosage you need, you have to start small. If it’s your first time to take CBD, it’s best to start with the smallest dose possible.
Everyone reacts differently to this supplement. As with any new treatment or product, it is important to become familiar with how your body responds to this remedy before increasing the dose.
Be educated and make your own decision based on research and if you think CBD is right for you. "This post is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease"